stone furniture in india
Natural stone furniture has a certain timeless beauty. Furniture made from natural stone can be used both indoors and outdoors. Natural stone tables make for a perfect outdoor accessory and provide an elegant dining experience regardless of the climate, day or night. The marble is cut with precision and is then applied in an expert manner to reinforced fiberglass on resin base. A seamless finish is achieved by a groutless join. A transparent sealant leads to a smooth finish. Whatever the finishing technique, the unique character of individual stone can always be seen and enjoyed.
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There are a number of advantages of using natural stone furniture. Foremost among them is that they make durable and strong products. A natural stone table top is made of stone and solid fiberglass covering a resin base. Aluminum bracing is added to make a hardy product. Most furniture made of natural stone have a sub-frame made of stainless steel and rust proof aluminum.
The natural stone table top will always remain cool independent of the environment. It requires little to no maintenance. Natural stone furniture are suitable for all environments. It is immune to bow or warp like tables made from other materials. When it comes to aesthetics, the neutral colors of natural stone can pair excellently with a number of chair styles, colors and materials. They can be purchases as per individual preference and also to match the environment.Maintaining natural stone furniture
Mix mild detergent in water for everyday cleaning. It is recommended that the natural stone be sealed so that the protective coating will prevent stains. In case the table is kept outdoors in the direct rays of the sun, the coating is mandatory to maintain the furniture’s beauty. If the table is kept indoors, it is suggested that you seal it once every year.seen and enjoyed.