Stones in Landscaping
Although not quite correct, we will make the definition of stones be, “a small rock no bigger than the palm of your hand with rough edges”. Of course this all falls apart when we talk about “Stepping Stones” or “Standing Stones” or of course “Stonehenge“. They are all much larger and should be called something different but they are not. So we will have to suffice with what we have.
Using pebbles in a garden brings different colors and textures to the garden. Pebbles can fill up otherwise empty space, leaving a visual impression that’s more interesting than simple dirt, soil or mulch. Pebbles can serve other purposes, such as creating a decorative border, landscaped path, and keeping weeds at bay
Create a simple stone path to enhance your yard and set a distinctive walkway.
Choose a location for your garden path.
correct placement for each stone.
walkway stone you plan to set.
Add crushed stone or coarse sand to the excavated areas.
Move your stepping stones into place.